Zifeng Wang


Zifeng Wang 王子丰 | How to pronounce?
Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
[Curriculum Vitae] [Google Scholar] [Github]


Email: zifengw2 [at] illinois (dot) edu

201 North Goodwin Avenue MC 258 Urbana, IL 61801-2302

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at Sunlab@UIUC, under the guidance of Prof. Jimeng Sun.

  • My research primarily revolves around the development of foundation models, including large language models (LLMs), tabular models, vision-language models, and biomedical multimodal models, for drug discovery and development.
  • My recent focus has shifted towards creating LLM-driven systems to enhance human-AI collaboration in various clinical trial tasks, including trial search, trial design, and data analysis.
  • We are actively developing a startup venture, Keiji.AI, with the vision to revolutionize clinical trial development with cutting-edge AI techniques.




    • Research Intern, Amplitude, May-Aug. 2022.

      • Topic: Multi-treatment Causal Inference.

      • Mentor: Cao Xiao.

    • Research Intern, Jarvis Lab, Tencent , Dec. 2019-Jun. 2021.

      • Topics: Graph DL for Clinical Diagnosis; Lifelong Learning Diagnostic AI; Information-theoretic DL.

      • Mentor: Yefeng Zheng.

    Activity & Award


    • PC Member/Reviewer for NeurIPS'[22,23,24], EMNLP'[22,23], IJCAI'[22,23,24], AAAI'[22,24,25], NAACL'24, COLM'24, ICLR'24, ACL'23, KDD'23, NLPCC'24, ICIP'21, ICASSP'21.

    • Reviewer for TPAMI, JAIR, JAMIA, Bioinformatics, ACM Computing Surveys.

    Teaching Experience

    Invited Talk